N a t u r a l l y P u r e H a n d - C r a f t e d O r g a n i c P i n o t N o i r

Fancrest Estate Logo

Welcome. Fancrest Estate is a tiny family-owned, organic Waipara winery and vineyard. We hand-craft exquisite natural Pinot Noir wines from our own vines and age them to perfection before bringing them to you via our online shop. 


W e l c o m e t o F a n c r e s t E s t a t e

Fancrest Estate Waipara Winery and Vineyard Pinot Noir Pouring into glass
Organic Pinot Noir just before harvest to make natural pinot noir wine

Organic Natural Pinot Noir

We want to share with you our love of organic, natural Pinot Noir. Premium Pinot Noir requires fastidious attention to detail, so we’re hands-on, tending our own vines in North Canterbury, New Zealand. Di works in the vineyard alongside our cattle and sheep to build healthy vineyard soils, healthy vines and wholesome wines. Such is the demand that you won’t find a tasting room or winery tours here. Online sales only

Jazz one of the vineyard cats

In 2002, Di and Ian Holding bought the property that is now Fancrest, ending Di’s search for the perfect site to grow Pinot Noir. 13.8 Ha of North Canterbury hillside with valuable limestone soil. The land is on Waipara’s “Golden Mile” and had been coveted by winemakers for years. Most of our Pinot Noir plantings were completed by 2004, with a small additional area of hillside planted in 2008. Our first harvest from the initial plantings was in 2006. Fancrest Estate remains essentially a one-man band, with Di at the helm, and Ian supporting her. They make certified organic natural wines from their Pinot Noir vineyard, including still red and rosé.

Our Story

H o w I t A l l B e g a n - T o m a k e a l o n g s t o r y s h o r t

Fancrest Estate Waipara Winery and Vineyard under netting
Vineyard under white lockout birdnetting
Di Holding at vintage
Di and Ian, with their first vineyard dog, Tin-Tin and Panda
Di and Ian Holding with their first Vineyard dogs

We have the most awesome open air pop-up winery in the valley.

Our plans to build a winery went on permanent hold after the 2010/11 Christchurch Earthquakes which revealed a Faultline running through our chosen building site.

The Omihi Faultline, as it is known, is very likely the cause of the slump of the original scarp that formed our fan.

Anyway, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as with no yeast or bacterial strains endemic to a winery building, every vintage since, we have benefitted from unadulterated vineyard yeasts for natural winemaking.

Our Story

T h e S t o r y B e h i n d O u r W i n e r y

Our wine is made outdoors within meters of our vines ensuring the success of our indigenous yeasts
Fermentation vats in the pop-up winery under their non-breathable covers

A r t i c l e s

In this blog we’ll try to share the inspiration behind what we do on the Estate. 

We’ve always tried to strike out on our own path, rather than simply follow the way others do things in this part of the world.

That attitude saw us lead the way to organics and regenerative agriculture.


winter in the vineyard at Fancrest Estate

Avoiding pruning injuries

Start pruning safely by taking it slow, selecting the correct tools, staying active, paying attention to your body, and incorporating rest days. Remember to take advice from experienced pruners: ease into the season to avoid burnout and overuse or repetitive strain injuries.

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A Y e a r o n O u r E s t a t e

Since we don’t conduct guided tours we thought we’d create an image gallery to take you through the annual cycle at Fancrest Estate, Waipara winery and vineyard.

crafts people

M e e t O u r K e y P e o p l e

Di Holding pruning the vineyard with Panda, her first Border Collie.
Owner Director Winegrower

D i a n e H o l d i n g

From an early age, Di dreamt of being a ballerina. As you might well imagine, this is a profession with limited lifespan.

Injury put an end to that dream in her early 20s.


Ian and Di moved to New Zealand in 1992. Di assisted Ian in establishing a successful medical practice in Auckland and worked as an Employment Advocate. Seeking a change, she pursued a career in Winemaking & Viticulture, completing a B(App)Sc Wine Science. Every winter she prunes all 27K of Fancrest Estate’s vines with some help from her Highland cattle and Ian.

Di values independence and has created her own unique venture with Ian’s support.

Owner and Director

I a n H o l d i n g

Ian’s medical career followed a very successful international career as a world class amateur and then professional squash player. A feat he managed while studying medicine.

He now practises as a Musculoskeletal Specialist from the Burwood Pain Clinic in Christchurch.

He is fascinated by the role of food and wine in health and loves to create with food grown organically on the Estate.

You can find some of his healthy creations on our Instagram feed.

When he isn’t out exercising in the vineyard, he’s most often to be found playing his classical guitars or enjoying a round of golf at the local golf club.

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