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Beyond Organics: Regenerative Agriculture

What is Regenerative Agriculture? “Regenerative Agriculture” is a way of farming that aims to reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity. The desired outcome is to drawdown carbon and improve the water cycle. Specifically, Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic land management practice that leverages

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New Directions after Covid-19

The hospitality sector in New Zealand was, without question, one of the hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis. As a supplier to that industry we certainly felt the knock-on effect. And while the majarity of our wine is sold direct to consumers, the pandemic definitely affected consumer behaviour: Discretionary spending

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Best Fancrest Estate Wine and Food Pairings

Our Favourite Pinot Noir Food Pairings Here are some of our favourite pairings. What you'll probably notice right away is just how versatile these lovely wines are.  Snacks Try wholegrain crackers, salami, or soft goat cheese. Nuts and dried fruit are also great with our Pinot Noir.  Appetizers Our Pinot

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How to Enjoy a Natural Pinot Noir

Tasting natural wine is not very different from tasting conventional Pinot Noir. Pinot noir is intriguing. It can be at once powerful, sensual, floral, fruity, earthy, mineral. Well-grown pinot noir from great terroirs can be extraordinarily complex. Pinot noir is pretty fickle to grow, but with heaps of attention in

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winter in the vineyard at Fancrest Estate

Avoiding pruning injuries

Start pruning safely by taking it slow, selecting the correct tools, staying active, paying attention to your body, and incorporating rest days. Remember to take advice from experienced pruners: ease into the season to avoid burnout and overuse or repetitive strain injuries.

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Effect of Cellaring on the Taste of Pinot Noir

What is the effect of  cellaring on the taste of Pinot Noir? Enhanced Complexity: Through meticulous cellaring, good quality Pinot Noir acquires a more intricate taste and aroma profile. As time passes, the initial fruit flavors mature into nuanced, multi-layered secondary notes. Aroma Evolution: Pinot Noir starts with vibrant cherry,

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Organic Pinot Noir just before harvest to make natural pinot noir wine

What is veraison?

What is "Veraison"? Each summer, our grapes begin to change colour from green to red. This event is known as "veraison" in French, and marks the beginning of our crop's ripening. At around this time "veraison" becomes a hot topic of conversation between winemakers. At Fancrest Estate "veraison" usually begins in

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North Canterbury Wine & Food Celebration 5 March 2023

The Festival Set under the oaks in Glenmark Domain is the coolest little wine festival.  Unfortunately, we’ve had a tough couple of years due to our old friend COVID, but the North Canterbury Wine & Food Festival 2020 was certainly one to remember. Over 4,000 of you fine folk hit

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See you at North Canterbury Wine & Food Festival?

North Canterbury Wine and Food Festival is on 3 March 2024? A fortnight before our wine harvest kicks off, the North Canterbury Wine & Food Festival is on. We expect around 4,000 guests to join us under the oaks at the Waipara Domain just down the road from Fancrest Estate.

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