B l o g / V l o g

Pinot Noir 101

Pinot Noir is without doubt, one of the world’s most popular red wines. It's made from thin-skinned red/black grapes that grow best in cooler regions. It’s also notoriously difficult to grow, having a well-deserved reputation as "the heartbreak grape". When all the right elements fall into place, it produces lighter-bodied

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Organic Pinot Noir just before harvest to make natural pinot noir wine

What is veraison?

What is "Veraison"? Each summer, our grapes begin to change colour from green to red. This event is known as "veraison" in French, and marks the beginning of our crop's ripening. At around this time "veraison" becomes a hot topic of conversation between winemakers. At Fancrest Estate "veraison" usually begins in

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Beyond Organics: Regenerative Agriculture

What is Regenerative Agriculture? “Regenerative Agriculture” is a way of farming that aims to reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity. The desired outcome is to drawdown carbon and improve the water cycle. Specifically, Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic land management practice that leverages

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Wine medal

The Wine Medals Race

Is the Wine Medals Race worth the effort Wine competitions and awards were always intended to recognize and celebrate the best wines in the market. However, their proliferation has made things a bit confusing for consumers. We will try to give our perspective on the complicated mess of wine competitions

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Health Benefits of Pinot Noir

Resveratrol The debate on whether drinking red wine is good is ongoing. It's thought that the health benefits associated with drinking red wines are mainly associated with a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol. Resveratrol might help prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) and prevent

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North Canterbury Wine & Food Celebration 5 March 2023

The Festival Set under the oaks in Glenmark Domain is the coolest little wine festival.  Unfortunately, we’ve had a tough couple of years due to our old friend COVID, but the North Canterbury Wine & Food Festival 2020 was certainly one to remember. Over 4,000 of you fine folk hit

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New Directions after Covid-19

The hospitality sector in New Zealand was, without question, one of the hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis. As a supplier to that industry we certainly felt the knock-on effect. And while the majarity of our wine is sold direct to consumers, the pandemic definitely affected consumer behaviour: Discretionary spending

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Are Organic Wines Better?

We have chosen BioGro to certify us as 'Organic' so that when you buy our Pinot Noir, you are guaranteed that the highest organic standards have been met every step of the way, both in the vineyard and in the winery. The BioGro logo on our wine guarantees that it

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The Story Behind Our Logo

Designer Chuck House, Icon Group, Santa Barbara, USA A successful wine package is a sculpture of the moment, an authentic expression of time and place. At its best, it transcends the past and the present with a vision of the future that is uniquely its own."--- Chuck House The wine

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